Considering filing chapter 7 bankruptcy?
You never intended to wind up in a situation like this, but your finances got out of your control. You are inundated with debt and unable to see a way to pay your creditors. Creditors call you at work and at home. Chapter 7 bankruptcy might be the best option for you. Taking between 3 and 5 months to complete, chapter 7 will allow you to put your debt behind you. This often necessary step can reverse your financial fortunes. Contact the bankruptcy attorneys of Mooney Law to discuss Chapter 7 bankruptcy. We handle:
- Chapter 7 consultation
- Chapter 7 creditors hearing (341 hearing)
- Debt collection abuse
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
The bankruptcy attorneys at Mooney Law have decades of experience helping our clients understand Chapter 7, file for it correctly, and recover afterward. When serving as a bankruptcy lawyer for a client going through bankruptcy our role is as an advisor and legal representative. Furthermore, when assisting our clients with issues of debt and bankruptcy, we understand how tenacious and downright abusive creditors can be. We can help you identify, document, and stop issues of debt collection abuse. Contact Mooney Law to discuss a fresh start with Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Call us at 717-200-HELP or contact one of our Pennsylvania law offices in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Perry, and York counties, or Carroll County, MD.