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Maryland Workers Comp and Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

Pennsylvania workers compensation

At some point in your Maryland work injury claim, you may here your doctor talk to you about maximum medical improvement.  Maryland injured workers may be entitled to total or partial wage loss benefits and medical benefits during the pendancy of the claim.  Entitlement to wage loss benefits, may continue until the injured worker reaches a certain level of medical improvement from the work-related injury.  That medical improvement is called ‘maximum medical improvement’, otherwise known as ‘MMI’.

So what does MMI mean?

Maximum medical improvement refers to medical status that an injured worker meets where no further level of improvement in the condition is expected, even with further medical treatment.  Essentially, the injured worker’s medical condition has reached ‘it is what it is’.  No further improvement or worsening is expected as a result of the work injury.

Does MMI Matter in a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Yes, it does.  As stated above, an injured worker in Maryland may be entitled to total or partial wage loss benefits, depending on if the injured worker is on of work or on restrictions.  Essentially, a portion of your average weekly wage that you miss because you cannot work due to the work injury. MMI is a medical factor on whether any additional medical treatment provided would have a positive impact on your condition.

It is important to note that MMI does not mean that the injured worker has fully recovered from the work injury.  That is a different determination. In many instances, the injured worker may have had surgery, and after a period of time after the surgery and post-surgical physical therapy, the injured worker is provided permanent work restrictions.  In some instances, an injured worker has reached a level where they have completed many modalities of treatment, but their condition has leveled and is not expected to receive additional relief/improvement. Some pain symptoms will linger or the injured worker has permanent restrictions in movement or lifting, and those conditions impact the ability of the injured worker to function at work.   If this is the case, the injured worker may be eligible for permanent total or partial disability benefits, dependent on the circumstances.

Can MMI have an impact on any Maryland Workers Comp award?

Yes.  Once an injured worker has reached MMI, they may be entitled to a permanent injury award.  This depends on the extent of the permanency of the medical condition.  To determine if you are entitled to a permanent award, call Mooney Law right away form an absolutely FREE consultation regarding your Maryland workers compensation claim.  Mooney Law offers all injured workers a free consultation.  You can call to schedule at 717-200-HELP or toll free at 833-MOONEYLAW.

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